Nature has been described as “unravelling”.
According to some scientists, we are on the threshold of the sixth mass extinction event in the planet’s history.
Nearly 200 governments across the world decided that the private sector has a role to play in the nature crisis. They agreed to put policy, legal and administrative measures in place to “enable and encourage” businesses to understand and report on their risk exposure to and impacts and dependencies on nature. But what does that mean in practice?
As part of my CISL Master’s degree, my study aims to assess how regulatory policy in the EU and UK can encourage and enable businesses to treat nature as a strategic issue. I am particularly focusing on large multinational businesses outside of primary industries, where the nexus between business and nature may not be as well understood.
I’m keen to speak to:
● those working in sustainability reporting, strategy and governance roles,
● those working at industry associations with a perspective on sustainability regulatory policy,
● technical experts in nature-related law and policy or related fields, and
● EU or UK policymakers with responsibility for sustainability.
Interviews will last for 30-45 minutes and will be conducted and recorded via Teams. No prep or particular perspectives are required – I am interested in your honestly held views. All interviews will be anonymous unless you specifically wish to be named as a contributor, and I will be the only person to have access to the interview material.
The research will be submitted towards my Master’s degree and may later be published in part or incorporated. If you are interested, I can provide you with a debriefing on the results as soon as after the dissertation is assessed and before any future publication.